Where do the beautiful and stunning photos that adorn the pages of our Panama Calendars come from?
People just like YOU!
Each year a new batch of photos are submitted to the annual Photo Contest. We have been getting around 100 photos each year, so far. Photos that are too small or don’t fit the rules in some way are eliminated. The rest of the photos are numbered and placed in a DropBox file which is sent to a panel of 7-9 judges. The judges are changed up each year because we know that this will give more variety to the photos chosen and appeal to more people, like you. The judges do not know who the photographers are at this point. They make their choices and send in their top 12 picks by number. The 12 photos with the highest number of votes are the photos that are placed in the calendar. Then, the photos go to the editor to decide which month each one will be placed with. One additional photo is chosen to go on the next year January page (13th month).
2020 Panama Calendar Photographers
Luis Carlos Garcia
Contact: Instagram @lomejordeazuero
Connie Moller
Contact: cmoller@expatimports.com
Erika Bakk
Contact: erikabakk@palmexpanama.com
Bob Kneller
Bruce Tohill
Contact: tohillb@msn.com www.tohillphoto.com
Patricia Chase
Contact: www.HideawayPanama.com
Dr. Laura Patiño
Contact: https://proyectoprimatespanama.org/
2018 Panama Calendar Photographers
Phillip Critides
Contact: fleacz@gmail.com
Joaquin Parada
Contact: p.joaquin.parada@gmail.com
Fran Hogan
Contact: franagain@fastmail.com or https://www.flickr.com/photos/78345083@N00/
Patrick Allen Reynolds
Contact: PatrickAllenReynolds@gmail.com or facebook.com/patrickspanamatography
Kelley Laesch
Contact: klaesch@comcast.net
Emmanuel Herbelet
Contact: www.idgaf-photography.xyz or artist@idgaf-photography.xyz
José Von Chong
Contact: vonchongjose@gmail.com
Carol Stevens
Contact: webejammin1998@yahoo.com
Kate Gale
Contact: kgale@orange.fr or www.theplacesthefaces.com
Raquel Anderer
Contact: rmanderer24@gmail.com
Alejandra Rodriguez Pineda
Contact: alejarop@gmail.com
2016 Panama Calendar Photographers
Linda Janssen
Email: linjan2010@gmail.com
Al McCullough
Website: Sell All Your Stuff
Robert Fiveson
Email: r5son@yahoo.com
Kristin Cunningham
Email: MsKris941@gmail.com
Blog: the Panama Adventure
2015 Panama Calendar Photographers
Trent Bayliss
Email: trentbayliss123@gmail.com
Steven Pearce
Website: Steven Pearce Photography
Kristin Cunningham
Email: MsKris941@gmail.com
Blog: the Panama Adventure
Pamela Rubio
Email: Pamela@PanamaCreativeServices.com
Website: Panama Creative Services
Rodrigo Lopez
Email: rod22101985@gmail.com
Al McCullough
Website: the Panama Dude
Anne Gordon de Barrigon
Email: Anne@whalewatchingpanama.com
Website: Embera Village Tours
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